~ LIVE Online Conference ~

Thursday – Saturday, October 7-9, 2021

Greetings and Welcome Dear One!

I’m delighted to invite you to participate as a speaker/presenter for this exciting online conference I’m hosting in October.

This page includes all the pertinent information you need regarding this event.

Please confirm your participation by filling out the google agreement form. This is a pretty standard agreement, and of course, let me know what questions you may have.

with love and excitment,


A few of our confirmed presenters, from the left, Karen Curry Parker, Dr. Valencia Ray, Asha Ramakrishna, Zhenevere Sophia Dao, and Christine Arylo.

We’ll have a total of 15 presenters, including myself.

Intention of the Event


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report, released on August 9th, has left no doubt about the dire situation we now face. All of us are needed to make the changes required; nothing less with do.

At this critical time, we need to continually be upgrading our perceptions and awareness, building the strength of our nervous systems as well as of our resolve for global healing, and fostering our capacities to communicate and collaborate as sovereign stewards of our beautiful planet.

We cannot engage in the ways that we need to if we’re still operating from outdated thinking, being and acting that produced climate change, massive financial inequities, misogyny and sexual violence, institutionalized racism and xenophobia, ecocide, and the hatred of difference. While this may seem obvious, the roots of empire run deep in our psyches, producing damaging, unconscious behavior and attitudes. Urgency fuels our evolutionary endeavors.

Women are evolving our world by engaging in work and acts great and small aimed toward upgrading our perceptions, healing our divides, creating greater equity and justice, honoring our earth, and nurturing unity consciousness. We are exploring new forms of leadership and what actually is the right use of power. The conference aims to open up questions and possibilities, rather than provide definitive (and therefore limited) answers.


I developed the Pillars of Feminine Sovereignty over decades of inquiry and practice in the realm of personal and spiritual growth, informed by years of intellectual activism. (See below for more details.)

The pillars are designed to guide us into becoming who we need to be to effectively face personal and planetary challenges, and to mature into being sovereign stewards of our planet. We become integrated and whole on the inside so that we can effectively communicate and collaborate in creating the world our hearts know is possible. 

The conference introduces participants to the themes of Feminine Sovereignty and the work of selected experts who exemplify these themes. Presenters will contribute to our understanding of these pillars through sharing their work and perspectives.


My intention is for this event to be transformative and connecting as well as informative and inspirational. Toward that end,  presentations will be live and will include Q&A with participants. Presenters are invited to provide a practice or practical action participants can engage in to create a lived, somatic experience of their work.

Each day will be capped with facilitated conversations designed to support us in digesting what we’ve learned and beginning to integrate new perspectives into our outlooks. Presenters are invited to participate as facilitators and/or as participants.

We will also have a Slack channel where participants can connect and interact with each other and any presenters who choose to participate.  This channel will stay open for a period of time after the event to foster alliances that arise from our shared experience.

 Pillars of Feminine Sovereignty

Pillar One: Co-Creating with the Flow of Life

Having faith in one’s primary and indivisible relationship with the generative force of the universe and intentionally acting in concert with it.

Pillar Two: Emotional Intelligence

Having the ability to experience and process one’s emotions in ways that help heal and integrate the individual and do no harm to self and others.

Pillar Three: Physical Vitality

Being fully embodied and aware of oneself as part of our planetary ecosystem and a member of the natural world.

Pillar Four: Energetic Mastery

Having the energetic power and resiliency to effectively meet life’s challenges with confidence and clarity. 

Pillar Five: Life Purpose & Contribution

Knowing one’s place in and contribution to the larger world in ways that are satisfying and sustainable.


Pillar Six: Excellent Communication

The ability to listen deeply, speak clearly and compassionately, and the willingness to be  transformed by the conversation/interaction.

Pillar Seven: Mutually-Beneficial Collaboration

The ability to creatively partner with others to develop win-win scenarios that benefit all parties, our non-human companions, and the natural world.  

Pillar Eight: Benevolence for All

Awareness of and acting from the recognition of our interconnecteness and that harm to one is harm to all, and benefit to all benefits each and every one.

Your Participation and Offering

Each presenter will be featured in a 50 minute session that will include approximately 30 minutes of either presentation or intervew or a combination of the two, followed by 15-20 minues of Q&A with participants.

You also are invited to participate in the last session of the day, which will be facilitated conversation with participants and whoever wants to be part of this interactive session.

You will have the opportunity to share a gift with our audience during your session. Your gift will also be included on the website with your bio and presentation information, and promoted through conference emails to participants.

Nothing will be offered for sale other than the Conference Transformation Package, which includes recordings of the sessions plus bonus materials.

You are invited to contribute a bonus to the transformation package to create more value for our participants and so share with them another aspect of your work. Ideally this would be something complete in itself that they can access immediately (eg. a video, audio, ebook), and it can lead to another opt-in. 

Daily Schedule ~ Oct 7, 8, 9

All Pacific Time

9am     Session

10am   Session

11am   Session

12pm   Break

1:00     Summary/Integration

1:15     Session

2:15     Session

3:15     Summary/Integration

3:30     Break

4:00     Facilitated Conversation

Outreach ~ Inviting Our Communities

The success of our event depends on getting the word out to our communities and beyond. Of course I will share with my online communities, and we also will provide advertising and PR.

Presenters will contribute to our outreach efforts with at least one dedicated email to their communities. Ideally you would share one email during the promotional window before the event, then one the day of your presentation.

Social media sharing is also valuable and effective. 

We will provide you with sample copy and images you can use in your communications. I also encourge you to customize your messages to be appropriate and appealing for your audience. 

Promotional Window

Affiliate materials available: September 8th

Email One: September 15th-October 6th

Email Two: Day of your Presentation

Your Commisions

Conference Transformation Package

Digital only: sliding scale $47-$97

Your commission = 50% of contribution

What Maggie Provides

Technical and creative support for all aspects of the project, including 

  • Registration page for each speaker
  • Platforms and support for conference sessions
  • Email communications for registrants
  • Sample email copy and images for your use
  • Tracking of conference transformation package purchases and distribution of commissions

Additional promotional support through advertising and public relations.

What We Need from You

  • High resolution headshot
  • Bio
  • Best contact info
  • Social media handles
  • Your gift URL, image of gift
  • Complete agreement form 
  • Title for your session (to be developed with Maggie)
  • Your wisdom and enthusiasm

Who is Maggie Ostara, PhD?

A recovering academic, Maggie Sale Ostara, PhD left her prestigious job as the Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at Columbia University when she realized she’s not built to work for anyone else.

Since then, Dr. Ostara has become a Certified Human Design and Quantum Human Design Specialist (Level 4), a Certified Clarity Breathwork Practitioner, a Certified Radiant Body Yoga Teacher, and a highly sought after teacher-mentor. She teaches high-achieving women how to develop their Feminine Sovereignty, to activate their Human Design super powers, and to unleash themselves from society’s prescription of success in favor of their own. 

She’s the creator of the 8 Pillars of Feminine Sovereignty and the Six Feminine Sovereign Archetypes, and over 20 educational programs focused on spiritual growth and building soul-inspired businesses that positively impact the world. Take the quiz: What’s Your Feminine Sovereign Archetype? at SovereignQuiz.com to find out more.

She’s hosted 5 multi-speaker online conferences, and spoken on over 15 such conferences, reaching registered audiences of over 200,000 participants.

With two decades of experience supporting 20,000+ students and hundreds of clients through her online programs and conferences, Dr. Ostara teaches how to avoid overwhelm and burnout, make reliable decisions, create a bigger impact with less effort, and transform inner liabilities into powerful assets and allies. 

Copyright © 2025 Maggie Sale Ostara. All Rights Reserved.

Questions? Email us here

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