Unleash Yourself!! Intensive
July 17-21 | FREE
Unleash Yourself!! Intensive
July 17-21 | FREE
Join us for our LIVE No-Cost Intensive!
July 17 – 21 @ 10-11am PDT / 1-2pm EDT / 6-7pm UK +
July 20 @ 5-6pm PDT / 8-9pm EDT / 10am next day AEST
By registering for this event, you agree to receive communications from Maggie Ostara and Ostara Experience regarding this and other upcoming events, videos, and programs.
Maggie Ostara, PhD
Certified Quantum | Human Design Specialist L4
Creator of the 8 Pillars of Feminine Sovereignty
Counter-Cultural Provocateur
Dear Quantum|Human Design Evolutionaries:
Are you discovering that the way you’ve been living isn’t creating the satisfying, purposeful, joyful life you desire?
Have you been exploring your Human Design, yet suspect you’re skimming the surface of what’s possible?
Are you longing to let go the conditioning that’s been keeping you confused and overwhelmed, and step into confidence, connection, and new possibilities?
During the Unleash Yourself! Intensive you’ll discover what’s been in your way, how to throw off the bonds that have bound you, and embark on the path to embodying and expressing your FULL SELF.
Let’s gather in community to share, witness each other, and support our collective unfolding along our evolutionary path! I can’t wait to connect with YOU!
Dear Quantum|
Human Design Evolutionaries:
Are you discovering that the way you’ve been living isn’t creating the satisfying, purposeful, joyful life you desire?
Have you been exploring your Human Design, yet suspect you’re skimming the surface of what’s possible?
Are you longing to let go the conditioning that’s been keeping you confused and overwhelmed, and step into confidence, connection, and new possibilities?
During the Unleash Yourself! Intensive you’ll discover what’s been in your way, how to throw off the bonds that have bound you, and embark on the path to embodying and expressing your FULL SELF.
Let’s gather in community to share, witness each other, and support our collective unfolding along our evolutionary path! I can’t wait to connect with YOU!
Innate to you yet not acknowledged, respected, or validated by the overculture.
1st Intelligence
Intuitive Knowing
YOU’RE INNATE INTUITIVE with your own special way of receiving divine insights and inspiration. You just may have been conditioned to distrust and discard it. Discover the true depth and breadth of your inner knowing. Step out of overwhelm, confusion, and uncertainty. Expand your ability to receive, believe, and act upon what’s true for you (instead of what other people say or do).
2nd Intelligence
Spiritual Creativity
YOU’RE FUNDAMENTALLY CREATIVE, always co-creating with the Flow of Life, the creative intelligence of the Universe. You just may never have learned how to access, command, and live from this spiritual superpower. You’ve probably been using way too much of your own energy to make things happen – and that’s exhausting! Why not embrace this birthright and discover the joy and ease of being guided and supported by Spirit?
3rd Intelligence
Somatic Wisdom
YOU’VE RECEIVED THE GIFT of a miraculous, highly-intelligent human body. You just may have been taught to judge your body based on its size, shape or color. Or perhaps early experiences led you to believe that the world is unsafe and it’s better to dissociate than to embody. Yet that which you have with your body is the most intimate, longest-term relationship you’ll ever have! Embrace your inherent beauty and clear the path to living soul-inspired from the inside out.
If you want your life to BE different,
you need to LIVE differently.
join us to unleash all of who you truly are
By registering for this event, you agree to receive communications from Maggie Ostara and Ostara Experience regarding this and other upcoming events, videos, and programs.
Message from Maggie ~
What’s at Stake for Us
Message from Maggie ~
What’s at Stake for Us
Quantum | Human Design offers insights into the richness and fullness of who you are and who you can become. It maps three primary ways of knowing, only one of which is logical.
Most of us have gotten trained away from many of our innate faculties and over-developed in our left-brained capacities. We need these capacities – analysis, strategy, planning, focus – and without them we would not be able to function. But as a culture we are WAY out of balance, asserting that logic and western science are the only valid ways of knowing and engaging with life. Yet nothing could be farther from the truth! We are intuitive, creative, and embodied beings as well analytical and strategic ones.
We are suffering tremendously, individually and collectively, from this imbalance and the denigration and exploitation of the Living World it’s produced. We need to become whole people again in order to face, digest, and address the big challenges in our world as well as in our own lives. So much is at stake and we’re trying to get by with just a fraction of our true selves available to us, the rest suppressed, neglected, or rejected by the overculture.
I spent the first decades of my life developing my left-brain faculties: analysis and critical thinking in particular, but also strategy, planning, and focus. All of this served me well while I was getting a PhD and working as an Ivy League professor. But by the time I was 35 the allure of that life began to fade. I lost my energy and enthusiasm and I started getting sick.
I didn’t know how to understand it until later – but my Soul was languishing, unhappy and unfulfilled by me cutting off my spirituality, my creativity, and my intuition. I still use all of my left-brained skills and I’m grateful for them! But they no longer dominate my experience or try to be in charge. Now they are at the service of my more fully expressed, soul-inspired Self, guided by Spirit through my Human Design. And you can have that, too!
I invite you to join me for this (r)evolutionary breakthrough intensive to unleash yourself from out-dated ways of being and propel yourself into living your life from deep within, confident, clear, uplifted, grounded and oh so alive!
Here Are All Your DETAILS
We’ll meet every day for 5 days at 10am PDT, with an additional 2nd session on Thursday, July at 5pm PDT for those in the southern hemisphere and who need to meet at a later time. You will get the most of this is you’re able to attend live. Sessions will be recorded and made available within 24 hours.
July 17 Human Design, Intuition and Creativity: What’s Truly at Stake
July 18 Mapping Your Intuition
July 19 Awakening Your Creativity
July 20 Live coaching with Maggie — two sessions at 10am and 5pm PDT
July 21 Unleash Yourself into your Desired Future
All sessions will be held on Zoom and accessed through our private space on our Becoming Sovereign Quantum Retreat Center and Online Community. We’ll also meet in this space for sharing, reflection, AHAs, questions, and more!
This intensive is for you if:
- You want to dig deeper into what Human Design has to offer that you can’t get out of the books and videos currently offered.
- You suspect that you’ve been overly trained into analytical thinking and want to embrace all of who you have the potential to become.
- You want to unleash yourself from cultural conditioning that’s been driving you to work and live in ways that you no longer or maybe never enjoyed.
- You love being creative and want to explore how to approach Human Design more creatively.
- You know you’re intuitive, but you don’t know what to do with the information you receive or how to trust it – but you want to!
- You’re curious about how your life might open up if you were to access and trust your intuition and your creative self.
This intensive is not for you if:
- You’re skeptical about Human Design and intuition to the degree that you cannot take in new perspectives and practices you may find different and challenging.
- You’re convinced that western science and logic are the only valid ways of knowing.
- You’re curious, but really don’t intend to participate.
Because you deserve to live fully expressed, to create life on your own terms, to enjoy all of the pleasure and possibilities available to you, and to be part of the vanguard creating a New World that’s equitable, regenerative, and compassionate.
Join us!
By registering for this event, you agree to receive communications from Maggie Ostara and Ostara Experience regarding this and other upcoming events, videos, and programs.