Becoming Sovereign Quantum Retreat Center is evolving . . .
Message from Maggie
When I first opened our Becoming Sovereign Quantum Retreat Center in November 2022, my intention was to create an environment where my YouTube community, people participating in my programs, and anyone interested in Human Design could gather, learn with and from each other, and explore truly living our design and highest potential.
Over these last 20+ months, our community has grown to more than 1000 members, we’ve experienced more than 40 live events, members have been deepening their knowledge via the complimentary curated courses, and participants in premium programs have been growing and learning together.
A lot’s been going on!
Yet even with this wealth, my participation and that of our members has risen and fallen and different times. I’ve had other projects and commitments that have periodically pulled me away. And while we’ve had strong attendance at many of our events, we haven’t seen a strong, supportive community develop. Not yet, anyway!
And now is the time for us to co-create this!
I know many of you joined because you want this!
Here are a few words from members about
what inspired them to join:
Learning from each other, sharing positive energies, and developing out inner strength and spiritual growth together ❤️
I am to be in circle with humans pursuing grace, wholeness, authentic expression.
To discover my soul potential, to connect with people from the spiritual community.
HD has provided a portal back to myself by clearing away everything that isn’t me and learning to listen to my body. In finding my way back, I can share authentically and contribute to the greater whole with my true essence. This community lights me up and gives me courage. I hope to expand all aspects of myself by being here. Grateful to have found this community and all who share of themselves.
I feel that Maggie has a good heart and clear mind. I hope to become wiser and help to create the new world with people I like, have fun together and learn from each other.
I’m proud of what we’ve been able to offer and create together so far.
Now it’s time for Becoming Sovereign to evolve…
just as with everything else in life. 😉
Introducing . . .

The Sovereign Sisterhood
where seekers, change-makers, and possibility thinkers gather and link arms on our evolutionary journey into wholeness
What does this mean for you??
You’re invited to experience a consistent, reliable, uplifting, and supportive human ecosystem designed to support your full flourishing!
We’ve created this kind magic inside my in-depth programs, and now we’re going to do this — together — in the Sovereign Sisterhood. In fact, part of the motivation for me in doing this is the sadness many of us have felt when the in-depth programs end.
This way you’ll have an ongoing ecosystem of support and you’ll be able to cycle into and out of more focused programs, knowing that you have a home base to launch from and return.
Before I share the details with you, let’s consider some the results you can expect:
- Increased confidence, clarity, and sense of being on purpose
Reliable inner guidance, especially when it comes to decision making
- Know how to activate and engage your Human Design superpowers
Greater command of your auric field so you don’t feel so overwhelmed by other people’s energy and forces outside yourself
Ability to navigate emotional challenges with more grace and ease
Understanding of tension in relationships and how to resolve it
Ability to speak up and be heard in ways that heal patterns of invisibility and rejection
Know how to work with your energy field and Human Design to create the life you long for rather than dreaming of living it
What will you get?
Weekly Live Sessions
Curated Courses
Dedicated Spaces for Popular Themes
Extensive Vault
Co-Create Special Interest Spaces + Conversations
What will we do?
The main event in a true community is how we engage with, support, and learn from each other. Attending he monthly live sessions will be familiar to you from what we’ve been doing so far.
What makes the magic happen though is when we share from our hearts, listen to each other with our hearts, and respond to each other with compassion, curiosity and care. In every situation — whether its a live session or conversing in the chat or writing and responding to posts — you’re invited to show up, speak up, and love one another.
Below you’ll find our monthly flow. This sequence offer you a gentle yet profound support system designed to keep you focused on living your design and reaching your full potential.
Week One -- Theme of the Month
For example, for August I’ll be bringing in insights from Joe Dispenza’s work on the electromagnetism of the human body to help us understand the Human Design energy centers, the G-Center in particular.
Week Two -- Energetic and Creative Practice
Week two you’ll work with this theme creatively and energetically through fun and uplifting practices that engage your right-brain and intuitive faculties. I’ll walk you through
Practice is how we grow and evolve ourselves as information alone does not teach, only life experience does that.
Week Three -- Connect with other Sovereign Sisters
Week Four -- Q&A and Coaching -- Let's Chat
The missing ingredient for most people on their evolutionary journey is a focus on practice rather than aquiring information.
We are what we focus on and devote ourselves to each day. It’s so easy to live unconsciously, living out programs we set in place years ago and that maybe we even inherited or absorbed from other people. That leads to lethargy, stagnation, and disconnection.
A new reality is possible when you make the commitment to live consciously and purposefully.
It takes intention and attention — but you really can change your beliefs, your default lens, your gene expression, your energy set point, and patterns you’ve had your whole life. You can liberate yourself from confining conditioning, step into the truth of your being, and grow yourself into the person living the life you’ve dreamed of!
Rather than thinking of these sessions as having more to do, imagine them as touch points you can work with and return each day as you focus on growing your awareness, agency, and ability to choose.
The most difficult aspect of creating a new way of being is staying on track consistently enough and for long enough for you to develop the neural pathways that support it. That’s precisely what a community and touchstones can help you with!
Of course you can choose to participate live, watch the replays, or skip sessions when you need to! You’ll get the most out of the experience when you commit to participating regularly — and you’ll always be at choice about what works for you. (Note: we’ll be actively exploring timing for sessions as our global community grows.)
Your Special offer as a Founding Member!
(Good through August 15th)
First Month FREE
When you register by August 15th, you will receive a bonus first month! You’ll gain access to all of the live events (and replays), the curated courses, the vault collections, and special spaces! You’ll get a chance to try it out and see if it’s a good fit for you.
Transform Your Life with Human Design Program ($97 Value)
When you register, you’ll receive access to the Transform Your Life with Human Design ebook, the Deep Dive Journal, and a series of audios to guide you through the program. This beautiful 75+ page full color ebook walks you through the fundamentals of Human Design in a very accessible way.
NOTE: We will use this program as our foundation in August!
Early Adopter Rate of $37/ month or $370/year (2 months free)
You might expect to pay double for all you’ll be receiving inside the Sovereign Sisterhood, but I really want to make this container of support affordable for as many people as possible, including our members from outside the United States.
When you register as a founding member (by August 15th), you’ll receive this special rate and keep it for as long as you’re a member. That means no matter what the rate increases to in the future, you will always pay just $37/month.
Activate Your Superpowers: Understanding Human Design Program ($497 value)
Can you believe it?? It’s true.
When you make your first payment (after your free month), you’ll receive access to my foundational program, Activate Your Superpowers.
This is a 12 lesson, in-depth video training program complete with audios, PDFs, and worksheets to guide you step-by-step through the key aspects of Human Design:
- the parts of the Human Design body graph and mandala
- type, strategy, authority,
- profile
- incarnation cross
- openness and definition
- the nine energy centers
- motors and throats
- the major circuitry
- the art of reading the chart
- the planets
- deconditioning
–> Get all the details on this
program’s registration page here.
I’ve offered this program a number of times, both live and recorded, and now I want to give it to you to support you on your evolutionary path of awakening.
Past participants report that it gives them the ability to (1) understand their own charts, (2) read and understand the charts of others, and (3) enough information to bring Human Design into their work with clients.
That’s right — although this is not a specialist’s training, it is robust enough for you to be able to add Human Design to the work you do with your clients and students. You’ll have the option to receive a certificate of completion if you choose to.
Now I’m offering it to you as part of our Sovereign Sisterhood!
We’ll be cycling through the topics named above each month in the sisterhood. You can dive into this valuable content at your own pace. And you’ll have the opportunity to apply what you learn, work and play with others in the sisterhood, integrate what you discover, upgrade your self concept, and continue to grow yourself into your full potential.