Discover what Human Design can do for your Relationships.
~ Couples, Business Partners, Families, Teams ~
Would you like to understand your beloved even more deeply, appreciating who they are, and knowing how to navigate challenge points with compassion and care?
Did you know?
Did you know that aspects of what attracts partners to each other comes from the way that their two Human Design charts interact?
Did you know?
Did you know that many of your uncomfortable relationship dynamics may come from differences in your Human Designs?
Did you know?
And did you know that once you’ve learned about each other’s design, you’ll be able to understand challenges that have puzzled, annoyed and even angered you in the past?
Plus you’ll be able to love and appreciate each other even more because you’ll understand each in whole new ways that weren’t available to you before.
You’ll come to see that many of your challenges are not personal.
They're just energy.
Your partner is not purposefully doing things to annoy you, and they don’t have character flaws. They are different than you. Their design leads them to experience the world differently.
And while we all know this conceptually, we often find it difficult to practice the flexibility that’s required to make any relationship thrive.
When you receive a Human Design Relationship Reading with me, you’ll come to appreciate each other’s gifts and talents, your super powers, in new ways.
You’ll also see the hot spots with new eyes, bringing compassion and understanding. You’ll find it easier to decide what’s important to work on and what you can just let thing.
You’ll also gain visibility to each other’s soul curriculum, deepening your understanding of each other’s individual challenges and growth points.
You’ll be able to support each other from the insightful, yet neutral perspective of Human Design.
A Human Design Relationship Reading will enable you to see each other with new, even more loving and accepting eyes.
Maggie Ostara, PhD
Human Design Specialist
Sovereignty Coach
“If I’d known then what I know now, that relationship might have turned out differently.”
When I first came to Human Design in a serious way, I was in a relationship that was ailing, and we didn’t really know why. Unfortunately I hadn’t had my own individual reading when we had our relationship reading, and I was so confused by what it meant that I’m designed to respond rather than initiate, that was the main thing I focused on. We did get a few pointers for our relationship, but unfortunately not that much that was helpful.
That relationship did not survive the challenges we were experiencing. Human Design came to us too late, plus my partner at the time wasn’t really interested in learning how the system could help us. Since then I have learned so much about how our challenges came from our designs and what we did and didn’t understand and accept about each other.
If I’d known then what I know now, that relationship might have turned out differently. I encourage you to get a relationship reading sooner than later. I wish I had.
Now we pause to celebrate the things we love about ourselves in one another!
We were so excited to do a relationship reading of our Human Designs. We’d each been exposed to Human Design before but didn’t have the full picture of how our designs work together.
Because we have so many similarities in our designs, it was important to understand the energies that we have and those that we need to get from outside sources.
The other beautiful outcome was to recognize that we were both seeking recognition for our fabulous qualities from the other person, but because so many of them were the same, we would forget to acknowledge one another!
Now we pause to celebrate the things we love about ourselves in one another!
Darla LaDoux and Kimmi Ward
If your romance is thriving, a Human Design Relationship Reading will help you deepen your understanding and appreciation of each other, leading to greater intimacy, acceptance and ease.
If you’re experiencing challenges, a reading will reveal the energetic underpinings of your misunderstandings and annoyances, helping you to depersonalize your struggles. It will also provide you with insight into what makes you strong together, , and how you love, accept and appreciate each other even more.
Relationship readings not just for romantic partners. Business partners can particularly benefit from knowing each other’s strengths, knowing where you’re stronger together, and how to mitigate any flashpoints that might undermine your productivity and pleasure.
A Human Design Relationship Assessment can help you decide to hire someone or work with someone or not, or even decide to date someone — or not. NOTE: I only offer assessments only to those who’ve done a Foundational Reading with me.
Human Design Relationship
Reading Details
for Couples and Business Partners
Everyone begins with a Foundational Reading if you haven’t already had one with me. You can review the specifics of a foundational Human Design reading here.
If you prefer, instead of investing in two full foundational readings prior to your relationship reading, you may instead receive one hour readings before your joint reading. I offer both packages.
Optimal Support
One Foundational Reading Each (90 minutes) + One Integration Session Each (30 minutes)
Relationship Reading with both Parties (90 minutes) + Integration Session with both parties (45 minutes)
3 Views of each person’s chart, including the Human Design Mandala
Audio Recordings of all sessions
Audio, video, and written reference materials to support your deeper understanding
Email support for one month after your combined reading to answer your questions and help you integrate what you’ve learned
Investment in your Relationship: $1100
Great Support
One Foundational Reading for Each Person (60 minutes)
Relationship Reading with both Parties (90 minutes) + Integration Session with both parties (30 minutes)
3 Views of each person’s chart, including the Human Design Mandala
Audio Recordings of all sessions
Audio, video, and written reference materials to support your deeper understanding
Investment in yourself and your Relationship: $900
Human Design PENTA Readings
for Families and Business & Organizational Teams
Penta Readings are for 3 more
A Penta Reading will provide you with new pespectives on the dynamics of your family.
The Penta that’s created when you’re together has special and specific characteristics all its own. Discovering your family Penta will illuminate the strengths and challenges that you have as a group.
Relationship readings among pairs inside your family can also be revealing, as in a couples reading. But a Penta reading is a different animal altogther.
Teams, Businesses, Organizations can all benefit from a Human Design Penta reading. You’ll discover the kind of energy you have (or don’t have) as a group for
**creating money and distributing resources
**having a rhythm that works for everyone
**your brand’s appearance and public face
**your abilities for public meetings and international relationships
** and more!
You’ll learn how to maximize your strengths and optimize your challenge areas.