Human Design Transit Report Sep 26 2022

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TRANSCRIPT for Human Design Transit Report Sep 26 2022


Human Design Transit Report Sep 26 2022Human Design Transit Report for the new transit beginning on September 27, 2022. Welcome or welcome back to my channel for this week’s human design transit report. Today is Monday, September 26th and the new transit starts tomorrow on the 27th. So just for today, if you haven’t watched last week’s video, you can go and watch it right here because it’ll tell you about what’s going on right now. But before you know it, we’re gonna be in the new transit that starts on the 27th.

So let’s go ahead and get started. Just a reminder that we have got six planets retrograde right now. We are gonna be coming outta that soon. In another few days, Mercury’s gonna go direct and then another week after that we’re gonna start having the other planet, some of the other planets turning around. Some of them won’t go direct for months to come, but we will start to be exiting retrograde season very soon. So just, you know, hold on there and we’ll get through this. Okay, so in the last transit, the one that’s still here today, the earth was in the Gate 25, which is the gate of spirit in quantum human design or the love of spirit in traditional human design. And so the sun has left there, but Jupiter has now entered into that gate and in so welcome in the expansion of the love of spirit. And so it’s on the G Center, it is all about spirit, but it’s this agape love. It’s really this universal, non-judgmental, deeply, deeply loving and compassionate kind of energy. And Jupiter is lighting it up and is gonna be there for a while.

And, and, and Jupiter’s all about expansion. So I did a whole video on Jupiter retrograde in this season and you can go and watch it right here if you haven’t seen it already. And it will tell you a lot about Jupiter in that gate 25. And you know what’s kind of happening with that retrograde cycle. So Mercury and Venus are in the gate six,

Venus is only gonna be there for another day or so. So I’m not gonna talk much about that. But Mercury is in the gate six and the sun was there just a couple of transits ago. And the six is a little bit of a dicey energy because it can be friction, which is what it’s called in quantum human, or sorry, in traditional human design.

And its impact in quantum human design. And it’s an or busting quality. So it’s penetrating and it’s very influential. And Mercury’s, you might wanna find yourself talking about it because this is, mercury is all about communication, right? And so Mercury may be kind of lighting this up for you and wanting you to be able to talk through some of your relationship stuff.

And you just want to be aware that you can, can fall down into friction in this situation and you wanna try to avoid that if you can, right? So you can go and watch that video from a couple of transits before if you wanna find out more about the gate six and what it meant when the sun was lighting it up. So diving into the transit that starts tomorrow, we’re gonna have a significant shift in kind of the tone because both of the gates are in the logic circuit, or also known as the understanding circuit in traditional human design. And it’s been renamed the pattern circuit in quantum human design. So the sun is in the gate 18 and the earth is in the gate 17. And the logic circuit is what it sounds like, right? It’s left brain energy, it’s logical, it’s analytical, it’s strategic, it’s linear and it’s focal, okay? So whereas the right brain energy is really what you might think of as peripheral gaze and expansive and being able to take in, you know, a big view, the left brain energy is much more focal and much more focused. Okay?

So that’s the quality of that energy. So it’s more about the collective, whereas the more tribal circuitry and certainly the individual circuitry tends to be more about the self or about the family, about smaller units and so on. But this is more about the collective. So let’s dive into the sun in the gate 18. So the gate 18 is on the spleen, which is known as the center for instinct and Intuition, the immune system and right timing and the 18. So in traditional human design is known as correction and in quantum human design realignment. And so it’s an energy that can have an edge to it. It can be a little bit gnarly cuz nobody really likes to be corrected, right? I mean, nobody liked getting, you know, your math paper back with red marks all over it or your, you know, your English essay back with red marks on it. Nobody likes that association of being corrected. Okay? So in quantum human design, it’s been renamed realignment because in its higher expression it’s really about being able to see patterns, right? Cuz it’s a pattern circuit, see patterns, see where it’s out of alignment and then helping to bring it back into alignment, right? And the, it’s made on the root center is joy. So it’s about this joy that you get to feel when things come back into alignment. So it does have to do with order, it has to do with how systems work. And it has to do with when something you know, is out of place or something is missing, things are not in the correct order and that kind of thing. I have a really good friend who has this defined in her chart and she, this always makes me laugh. She loves to do her budgets. Like sometimes I’ll talk to her after she’s done her budget and she’ll be like, oh, I just feel so good.

I’m so happy I did my budget and it all works. And I’m like, wow. I like would, no, I won’t even say that, but I don’t like doing my budgets. So she gets this joy from it because for her it’s put getting everything into order, everything’s adding up. She knows exactly how much she’s allocated to spend on, you know, each different category that she’s got. And it just gives her this sense of joy and that this sense that things are really in their place kind of reminds me of what kind of Virgo energy, right? So the, when the sun is lighting this up, it’s a really good time, for example, to do your accounting or to do anything that has that kind of detail to it where you’re looking at a system or you’re looking at a pattern and you’re wanting things to really be in order and for them to be aligned.

And so you can look at what you have on your to-do list and see what might really benefit from that. I know for me, I’m gonna finish my accounting because I’m gonna have all the support of this sun in the 18. You do wanna watch out for expressing or receiving from somebody else, the edge of the 18, which is this kind of, you know, like, you know you’re doing it wrong, you know, do it this way instead, or, or you know, you didn’t, you didn’t understand this or you know, what, whatever that kind of corrective energy might be. And the more aware you are of it, the the less personally you’ll take it both if you receive it from somebody else and if you feel the desire to foist it onto others.

So, you know, just be aware of this because it can, you know, even with this friend of mine, sometimes she, she will say thanks to me and it can have this edge to it, and I’ll be like, Ooh, there’s your gate 18. And she’ll be like, Ooh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.

Right? So generally it’s not a purposeful thing, you know, but it is, it, it, it doesn’t necessarily feel very good. So look for the joy that can come from when things get realigned rather than for, you know, the hurt that you can feel around correction. Then the earth is moving into the gate 17, which is on the Ajna Center.

And in traditional human design it’s known as opinions. And in quantum human design is known as anticipation. And the idea here, you know, in terms of opinions, I have this defined in my chart so I know it pretty well is, is that you can be receiving, you know, through that left brain, right, which is connected to super consciousness, right? Because all of the gates in the head are open up into super consciousness. So you can be receiving right through this channel crosses over, comes into the o and it’s gonna come down into the throat. And so the opinions can arise from have, having been receiving things through that logic circuit, but it’s not the best energy, right? I mean, who likes to receive other people’s opinions? I mean, of course it depends. Like sometimes you might ask for opinions or might like opinions. I like to hear people’s opinions sometimes, but I like to be in the right mood for it and like to ask for it. And I don’t, I try not to share my opinions unless I know somebody wants them.

And then sometimes they’ll say something like, do you wanna hear my bfo? And they’re like, what’s your, what’s a b o? And I’m like, it’s like my big fat opinion. So I’ll like call it out because I do have this gate and you know, and, and I have a lot of opinions, but I’ve kind of learned over the years not to just, you know, project that onto other people if they’re not wanting to hear it or if they’re not open to it or if they’re doing something else or whatever. Or if I have emotional charge to it, right? So I like this anticipation better because anticipation is kind of like, okay, so we’re receiving some guidance that’s coming in through this logic circuit and we’re starting to be, have some anticipation about where this is going to go, right? It’s like in, in anticipation, ideally, again, you wanna have it be in a higher expression where it’s positively thinking about what could be coming your way, right? What’s coming your way? And in the scientific method, you’ve probably heard me talk about this before, before if you’ve watched my, any of my other transit reports, which is that it’s, it’s best when there’s curiosity, right? Curiosity is the beginning because you know, science is based on observation, right? We see something in the natural world world and we go, oh wow, that’s cur, I’m curious about that. I wonder why that is. And you create a hypothesis about why that is and then you can and want to start to study it and you can have an anticipation about what you’re going to find.

Now the thing is, is that if you create a hypothesis and you enter into it with an opinion that is probably gonna muddy your study, it’s gonna muddy the thing that you’re looking for. If you are already predisposed to think it’s definitely this way, right? Which is what an opinion is, you’re kind of shutting things down. It’s a little bit of a, you know, a closed in kind of energy, whereas an anticipation is, can be more receptive. Like, ooh, I wonder what’s coming. Now the thing is, is if you’re anticipating something bad happening or something you don’t like happening, then that can also be shut down. So the trick here with that 17 is to have a positive anticipation. And I would say we’re gonna ground ourselves cuz the earth is lighting this up, right? So we’re gonna ground ourselves in this, the energy of positive anticipation and we’re gonna be anticipating bringing things into alignment, right? Bringing things into alignment. And if you are somebody, I assume you are, since you’re watching this video, who’s interested in human design, one of the things we talk about a lot is aligning with our design, right?

We wanna align with our design. We wanna know what our superpowers are that are happening in our chart, the definition that’s happening in our chart. How can that we be in the highest expression, right? I would call the awaken or the empowered expression. And how can we align with that rather than aligning with the, either the disempowered part where we’re kinda like, you know, I don’t use that energy or with the shadow expression, which is where we’re trying to use that energy to control or manipulate a situation, which is also part of what’s possible. So here we’ll have the opportunity to realign ourselves because human design is a system, right? And human design overall is a collective system, right? It’s the template for an evolving humanity.

So it is for the collective, but then you as an individual and me as an individual, we have our own charts and we have our own relationship to our own charts. And we’re wanting to align with both the most empowered expressions of all aspects of the chart. Cuz we have all of the chart, but then especially the parts that are colored in, which are our definition. Cuz those are the things that we’re gonna feel all the time, right? They’re pretty much always with us, whereas the parts that are white are open, come and go, right? It’s variable whereas the other is more fixed or are more certain. And so we, you have the opportunity here when you’re grounding yourself in this positive anticipation to be re realigning yourself with the higher expression of the definition of your chart.

It’s truly with all of the chart. So it’s a great time to be playing around with that if you want to, because like I said, human design is a col a system for the collective, and it definitely works with this kind of energy. And in the spirit of aligning with our design, I wanna let you know that next month in October,

I’m going to be opening up a, a membership site and the, we will be aligning with our designs inside of that site. And one part of it is I’ll be doing a sacral skills lab for really for everyone, definitely for generators, because we’ll do a lot as far as being able to contact our sacral authority, but we’ll also be doing other exercises where you can immediately be building your sacral power.

So if you’re a generator or a manifesting generator and you’ve found that you’ve kind of burned yourself out, it’ll be good for you. But for the non sacral beings, for the projectors and the manifestors and the, and the reflectors, it’ll also be beneficial for you because you’ll learn how to get in touch with and to build that sacral energy, which you can do, even if it’s not defined in your chart. It’s just that it’s not sustainable, it’s not gonna stay with you for a long time, but when you learn how to build it, it can become available to you. So that’s one way that we will be working with aligning with our design. But I have a lot of different ideas how we’re gonna be doing that as a community or as a songa as we like to say in yoga.

So stay tuned for that. And if you haven’t had a chance already to download your copy of Get Started with Human Design and the Reflection Journal, I really encourage you to do that because it will help you to get to know the human design chart better. You can use it to, to understand your chart better. It’ll also bring you into my community if you’re not already there.

And then you’ll find out about the different things that I’m gonna start offering to you soon. Okay? So many blessings, much love. I hope you have a great week. Bye for now. And in the spirit of aligning with our design, I wanna let you know that next month in October, I’m going to be opening up a, a membership site and the, we will be aligning with our designs inside of that site. And one part of it is I’ll be doing a sacral skills lab for really for everyone, definitely for generators, because we’ll do a lot as far as being able to contact our sacral authority. But we’ll also be doing other exercises where you can immediately be building your sacral power. So if you’re a generator or a manifesting generator and you’ve found that you’ve kind of burned yourself out, it’ll be good for you. But for the non sacral beings, for the projectors and the manifestors and the, and the reflectors, it’ll also be beneficial for you because you’ll learn how to get in touch with and to build that sacral energy, which you can do, even if it’s not defined in your chart. It’s just that it’s not sustainable, it’s not gonna stay with you for a long time, but when you learn how to build it, it can become available to you. So that’s one way that we will be working with aligning with our design. But I, but I have a lot of different ideas about how we’re gonna be doing that together as, But I have a lot of different ideas how we’re gonna be doing that as a community or as a songa as we say, in in the the, or as a songa, as we like to say in yoga. So stay tuned for that. And you haven’t had a chance already to download your copy of Get Started with Human Design and the Reflection Journal. I really encourage you to do that because it will help you to get to know the human design chart better. You can use it to understand your chart better.

It’ll also bring you into my community if you’re not already there. And then you’ll find out about the different things that I’m gonna start offering to you soon. Okay? So many blessings, much love. I hope you have a great week. Bye for now.


Maggie Sale Ostara, PhD left her prestigious job as the Director of Women’s a Gender Studies at Columbia University when she realized she’s not built to work for anyone else. Since then, Dr. Ostara has become a Certified Human Design Specialist (Level 4), a Certified Clarity Breathwork Practitioner, a highly sought after teacher-mentor, who teaches high-achieving women how to develop their personal sovereignty, to activate their super powers, and to unleash themselves from society’s prescription of success.

She’s the creator of the Soul Signature Self Awareness Project, the Wheel of Power of the Visionary Entrepreneur, and over 20 educational programs focused building soul-inspired businesses that positively impact the world and taking command of your life through personal sovereignty. She’s hosted 5 multi-speaker online conferences, and spoken on over 15 such conferences reaching audiences of over 200,000 participants.

With two decades of experience supporting 20,000+ students and hundreds of clients through her online programs and conferences, Dr. Ostara teaches how to avoid overwhelm and burnout, how to make reliable decisions, how to create a bigger impact with less effort, and how to transform inner liabilities into powerful assets and allies.