Maggie Ostara, PhD invites you to

5-Month Journey in
Your Human Design

Priority Enrollment begins in June

You’ll be among the first to to receive the invitation as well as be a guest at powerful complementary events surrounding the Embody Your Design reveal... don’t miss this!

Embody Your Human Design Experience

Unleashing your Intuition and Creativity

Guided by Maggie Ostara, PhD

With Special Guests and
the Becoming Sovereign Quantum Global Community

Our 2023 Deep Dive Activating Your Design with Intuition & Creativity

Mid-July – November 2023

The entire experience takes place inside our private community inside our larger quantum retreat center.

You can participate from your own home wherever you are in the world!

What if your CREATIVE SELF was just waiting for a chance to Embody Your Design?

Embody Your Design is your opportunity to not just learn the information about your Human Design, but truly explore living it! 

This program is a dynamic playground for the creative, intuitive, and mystic soul inside of you longing to be unleashed into her potential. We’re willing to expand into the full range of our intelligences so that we can live self-expressed and embodied. We’re evolving together as we shed unhelpful cultural conditioning, freeing ourselves from outside dictates of how to be, embracing our superpowers, and making the contributions we came here to make.

Why Creativity and Intuition?


Western culture prioritizes logic, reason, analysis, and strategy above all else. It asserts that this is the only valid way of knowing. But Human Design reveals there are THREE primary ways of knowing — not just one.

Creativity and Intuition are the other two.

Most of us have been trained into left-brained dominance, which means we’re only using 1/3 of our true capacity. Who knew?!

Well, you probably did, just like I did, because you’re realizing that part of you begins to die when you only live through logic and not through all of your other intelligences.

Embody Your Human Design Experience will provide you with many opportunities to explore, experiment with, expand, enjoy, and embody your design.

Information alone does not transform. Only life experience does that.

No other program focuses on activating and exploring your Human Design through creativity and intuition. Most trainings focus on information alone and a few provide support with implementation. Yet mostly they’re heady and leave out so much of what’s vital and truly transformative. 

AWAKEN ALL OF YOU and live from the true richness that is possible!

Let’s claim our birthright and be all that we came here to be!

Let’s claim our birthright and be all that we came here to be!

Benefits for YOU:


Discover and Trust Your Intuition


LOVE what makes YOU Different


Write a New Empowering STORY


Color Your Design YOUR WAY


Character Play Your DESIGN


DISARM Your Fear


STEP AWAY from Confusion and Overwhelm




EXIT the TYRANNY of the Mind




Make the BEST DECISIONS for You






Be SEEN and APPRECIATED for Who Your Know Yourself to BE

Why pursue

Embodying Your Human Design?

Maybe you’re at a turning point in your life and want to do things differently?

Perhaps you suspect you’re here for something bigger, even if you’re not sure what it is?

I bet you’re tired of trying to make yourself fit into other people’s version of success?

Or maybe you long to access accurate inner guidance?

And what would life be like if you had all the energy you need whenever you need it?

What would it be like to so deeply know how to engage with life – your work, your relationships, your body, and the Earth – that you no longer doubt or second guess yourself?

Yes, all this and more is possible when you discover and practicing embodying your design!

Together we are evolving out of the old paradigm of power-over that’s destroying our world and into co-creating new projects aligned with the more equitable, regenerative, beautiful, creative, and heart-centered world we know is possible. 

Are you ready to step into the wholeness of your being?

Into your TRUE potential?


© 2023 Maggie Sale Ostara
All Rights Reserved.

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