What is Human Design and what is this beautiful design?

Human Design’s map of an evolving humanity guides us individually and collectively into more awakened, compassionate, intuitive and sustainable states of being. The map above is the Human Design Mandala. At its center lies the body graph, with which many people are familiar.

The system brings together and evolves four ancient esoteric traditions: the Chinese IChing, the Tree of Life from the Judaic Kabbala, and the East Indian Chakra system.

If you’d like some tips on how to read your chart, watch the video below. I explain the parts of the Mandala, above, plus the information you’ll find on a typical print out of the body graph. This video is class one from my program, Activate Your Super Powers: Introducing Human Design.

If you’d like more assistance, you may reach out to me for a Human Design Reading, or consider taking the entire super powers class, which will be available on demand by July 24, 2020. Go here to learn more about Activating Your Super Powers.

One of the many things I love about Human Design is that it’s very counter cultural — in the best way.

It helps reveal and liberate us from our unconscious conditioning, and show us what’s authentically true — for us.

When I do Foundational Human Design Readings I consistently hear how seen and heard my clients feel, and also how illuminating the new information is. They leave with more confidence, clarity, new perspectives and greater possibilities than before.

Sometimes they also feel disrupted, like I initally felt disrupted. That’s because sometimes things they hear do not align with their current self-concept, things that question how they’ve been conditioned and programmed to be.

In my world, that’s fine, because that’s how we grow, by having our sense of what’s normal disrupted to open a path to what’s possible.

For example, Human Design values several forms of intuition and inner wisdom. It helps us to slow down and learn how to lean into and trust divine timing. It helps us learn when is the right time to speak — and when it’s not.

Plus Human Design leads you back to your own inner authority, encouraging you to make your own decisions based on what your body and intuition tell you, not on what your conditioned mind says, or what other people say.

In this way, Human Design deeply supports your Sovereignty. When you know your design, you come to understand yourself, and accept yourself on a much deeper level, outside of what you’ve been taught you are or should be.

Plus you come to trust yourself and rely on yourself, while at the same time being better able to listen to and work with other people, treating them as Sovereign beings as well. 

Tired of trying to be someone you’re not?


Discover how Human Design can help you unleash yourself from who you are “supposed to be” and show you how to embrace your true essence and authentic power.


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